Concept, choreography, performance:
Dominik Więcek
Przemek Degórski
Light design:
Klaudia Kasperska
Project: Nikola Fedak
Realization: System Mody / Serafin Andrzejak
Language consultations:
Joanna Pędzisz
Martial art consultation:
Patryk Kołodziejski
Maciej Nowak
40 minutes
Cultural Center in Lublin as part of the "Spaces of Art"
Reserach support:
Tanzrecherche NRW, Theater im Pumpenhaus, Tanzfaktur Köln, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Lublin Dance Theater
11.11.2021 / 25. International Meetings of Dance Theaters in Lublin
The performance is created as part of the "Spaces of Art" program financed by the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport, carried out by the Institute of Music and Dance and the Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute. The operator of the project in Lublin is the Cultural Center in Lublin.
Café Müller
Café Müller was originally the title of a four-part evening, whose premiere took place 40 years ago, on the 20th of May 1978. In addition to the choreography by Pina Bausch, which is still regularly performed today, this evening originally comprised work by Gerhard Bohner, Gigi-Gheorghe Caciuléanu and Hans Pop. Together they agreed that each of them will create a performance that will include the following elements: a café, darkness, someone falls, someone lifts, a red woman enters, everything goes silent.
Café Müller by Pina Bausch is a story about loneliness, isolation, unrequited love, grief and despair. The performance is moving, because it tells about topics that are close to everyone, iconic, because it can be used to explain what Tanztheater is, unique because Pina herself performed in it. For me - it’s simply brilliant.
My Café Müller is a fanficiton. Basing on the existing performance, its world and characters, I create images referring to my personal story. Born in Iserlohn, a small town in Nordrhein- Westfalen, Germany, and raised in Poland, I have been asking myself: what would happen if my parents had not made the decision to return to Poland? In search for an answer I let my imagination run wild and created hypothetical scenarios, traveling around Germany, around my hometown, researching the German language and meeting Polish artists who live there. This performance, however, is not a linear story about what could have happened. It's not writing a new script about some alternative reality, but sharing of the emotions that accompanied me when I once again asked myself: what if?
11.11.2021 —> XXV Międzynarodowe Spotkania Teatrów Tańca w Lublinie PREMIERA
12.11.2021 —> XXV Międzynarodowe Spotkania Teatrów Tańca w Lublinie
14.11.2011 —> Scena Robocza w Poznaniu
19.03.2022 —> Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
09.05.2022 —> Wrocław / Studio Na Grobli, Instytut Grotowskiego
25.06.2022 —> Zakład Kulturalny w Gdańsku
03.08.2022 —> II Krakowski Festiwal Tańca | Krakowskie Centrum Choreograficzne (Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury )
11.10.2022 —> Festiwal Ciało Umysł | Teatr Studio Warszawa
15.11.2022 —> Katowice Miasto Ogrodów / Katowice Przestrzenie Sztuki
28.04.2023 —> Spring Forward 2023, Dublin, Ireland
28.04.2023 —> Spring Forward 2023, Dublin, Ireland
27.09.2023 —> KTO Theatre in Krakowie
09.10.2023 —> Teatr Rozbark in Bytomiu
12.11.2023 —> The National Center for Dance Bucharest / Romania
17.11.2023 —> Krakowskie Centrum Choreograficzne
19.11.2023 —> Gryfiński Dom Kulltury
05.12.2023 —> Teatr im. Jana Kochanowskiego in Opole / Opole Dance Scene