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choreography & concept
Maciej Kuźmiński, Dominik Więcek

performance & creation
Dominik Więcek

Parov Stellar “All Night”

quotations – text
Oprah Winfrey, Emma Watson, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Patricia Arquette

quotations – movement
Anne Terese de Keersmaeker, Yvonne Rainer, Martha Graham, Lea Anderson, Isadora Duncan, Pina Bausch, Loïe Fuller

1st AWARD, Critics Award and a Alexander Izailovski Special Award at the 21. Choreographic Miniatures Competition in Belgrade, Serbia in 2017

2nd Award and Scapino Production Award at the 30. International Choreographic Competition in Hannover, Germany in 2016

Audience First Choice & Audience Final Choice Awards at the 20. Solo-Tanz-Theatre Festival in Stuttgart, Germany in 2016

2nd Award & Audience Award at the Solo Dance Contest in Gdańsk, Poland ’15

1st Award at the Warsaw Dance Platform ’15 in Centre of Contemporary Art in Warsaw, Poland

Distinction at the Open Stage competition ’15 in Tarnów, Poland

Distinction at the Monodrama Festival ’15 in Koszalin, Poland

Finalist of the International Choreographic Competition MASH ’15 in Jerusalem, Israel


The word feminism should be enriched in such way, to include also men.

Dominique is a powerful socio-political statement, coherent on every level, […] delivered in a layered way, which allows it to be accessible to more than just dance audience.

Hanna Raszewska review for Gdańsk Dance Festival

Dominique is an example of a excellently constructed critical choreography, which strength lies not in the poetics of shock or excess, but in a smart wit brilliantly performed by Dominik Więcek.

Alicja Müller for

One of the few solos, that touched on a serious subject – the fragility of identity, and played it with humour

Brigitte Jähnigen, Stuttgarter Nachrichten

The whole gives an excellent impression. [..] This work appears as more than just a solo made for a competition, it is a coherent monodrama, which could well find it’s way into a theatre repertoire.

Weronika Łucyk review in

Dominique is a coherent and well thought through show, which consequently – often with a good dose of humour – analyses notions of man and womanhood

Mirosław Baran for Gdańsk Dance Festival

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